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Healthy aging is in your control.

Based on your genetics and lifestyle choices, you can take charge of your health and reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other aging-related concerns.

While common, most of these chronic diseases are preventable in the majority of cases (and sometimes reversible). Long gone are the days where healthcare only happens at the doctor's office. Instead, there are actionable changes you can make today that will contribute to a lifetime of health and vitality. 


As an expert in Cardiometabolic Health, we'll work one-on-one utilizing the following tools:


An effective, evidence-based way to restore your body's capacity for self-healing. Treatments may include electric stimulation, cupping, and other effective therapies. 

Mind-Body Therapies

Stress is one of the biggest determinants of our health, now and in the future. Learn real-world techniques, validated by science to slow down the aging process and reduce inflammation. 


Your fork and spoon are still your best weapons against obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Nutrition can be confusing, so I've partnered with a leading Integrative Registered Dietitian to help you get the support you need. 

Lifestyle Change

Get the help you need to figure out your personalized plan for targeted supplementation, restorative sleep, optimized digestive function, and appropriate movement.


You're unique, and so is your body's response to the world around us. We'll work to understand your individual susceptibilities and create a plan that has your genetics working FOR you, for once.

Not sure if working with me is the right approach for you?


These days, there is so much misinformation out there that it can be confusing to figure out what the best treatment might be for your situation. It's important that you're comfortable working with every provider on your healthcare team, and that you feel heard and understood. For this reason, I've opened up a number of FREE consults on my schedule to give us a chance to get to know each other. 

  • Have you been to all kinds of doctors already? We're different!

  • Worried that Acupuncture might hurt? It doesn't!

  • Not sure you can make changes right now? Your plan will fit YOUR life!

  • Not sure where to start? Click below to schedule a free consult with me. 

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Free Guided Hypnotherapy

Dr. Robert Kachko


Dr. Robert Kachko
Naturopathic Doctor and Functional Medicine

(929) 379-0920
1200 High Ridge Road
Floor 2
Stamford, CT 06905

Nothing contained within this website is meant to constitute medical advice or replace the care of a licensed physician.

Copyright © 2022. Robert Kachko, ND, LAc. All rights reserved

Holistic health care for healing of body and mind. Mind-body naturopathic and functional medicine including nutrition, hypnotherapy and acupuncture. Helping create a vibrant you through mental, emotional and physical health.

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